Regarding the Kochi Prefecture Food Products General Sanitation Management Certification System

公開日 2024年02月21日

Regarding the Kochi Prefecture Food Products General Sanitation Management Certification System


○"Kochi Prefecture Food Products General Sanitation Management Certification System", certifies food related facilities in the Prefecture which conform to the Prefecture's own sanitation management standards, adopting the approach of HACCP. It encourages independent sanitation management efforts, and aims to ensure the safety of food products.

○This system has been divided into 3 parts, so that it can be dealt with in stages.

○Stage 3 only will be carried out by the examination committee.

○Businesses that have acquired ISO22000, FSSC22000, and general sanitation management manufacturing process approval etc. will be exampt from the examination committee and can obtain Stage 3 by a simple procedure.

Stage1( HACCP 5 steps )・・・Apreparatory stage for dealing with HACCP.

Stage2( HACCP 12 steps )・・・Through HACCP the PDCA Cycle will be completed.

Stage3( HACCP 12 steps + PRP )・・・General sanitation management is conducted basad on the HACCP plan. 

○Certification is aimed at food handling facilities in Kochi Prefecture (manufacture, processing, cooking, sales).

○The period of validity for certification is 5 years. An inspection of the premises will be conducted once a year by the health department.

○Certified businesses can display a "mark of certification" established by the Prefecture on products that have been manufactured at the certified facilities.

○Certified facilities will be introduced on the Prefectural Government homepage.


System Image



Merits for Obtaining Certification


○Businesses can handle sanitation management by means of the 12 Steps of HACCP, which is requested as the international standard for food safety.

○Problems that should be dealt with in accordance with the certification standards are made clear, and staff motivation towards sanitation management will increase.

○Due to the continuative improvement of sanitation management by the PDCA Cycle, businesses can expect the quality of their products to increase and risks to lower.

○By displaying the certification mark and the initiative being visible on the Prefectural Government homepage, businesses can acquire consumer's trust and position themselves apart from other competitors.


Structure of Certification Standards


1. Items relating to HACCP

2. Sanitation management of facility equipment

3. Sanitation education for involved persons

4. Maintenance and inspection of facility equipment, machine devices

5. Pest control of mice, insects etc.

6. Sanitation management of water usage

7. Sanitation management of waste products and drainage

8. Sanitation management for involved persons

9. Sanitary handling of food products

10. Method for retrieving products

11. Maintenance and inspection of machine devices that use examination and test of products

12. Other


Certification Standards[PDF:162KB]


高知県 健康政策部 薬務衛生課

所在地: 〒780-8570 高知県高知市丸ノ内1丁目2番20号(本庁舎4階)
電話: 企画担当 088-823-9577
医薬連携推進担当 088-823-9682
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食品保健担当 088-823-9672
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