Mission of the laboratory

公開日 2024年01月30日

There are many potential uses for deep seawater as a global resource for 21st century. As an open facility,the Laboratory's mission is to make technological development possible across a wide range of fields, and to facilitate cooperation between industry ,government and universities in the research and development of useful technologies.
We are not only conducting research and development of applied aquaculture utilizing deep seawater,but also carrying out extensive studies for the use of deep seawater.


高知県 商工労働部 海洋深層水研究所

所在地: 〒781-7101 高知県室戸市室戸岬町7156番地
電話: 0887-22-3136
ファックス: 0887-23-1253
メール: 151407@ken.pref.kochi.lg.jp