
公開日 2024年02月19日

At Kochi Prefectural Paper Industry Technology Center, as a highly functional testing research organization open and familiar to the local people, we conduct fundamental, applied and development researches as well as an introduction of advanced technology, personal training and technical guidance in order to support a technical promotion for the paper making industry which is vital to the local industry.

Our center consists of a main office and research complex. At the main office, we perform fiber basic research, evaluation of paper properties and technical guidance.  At our research complex where the some machineries and equipments are installed, you can make some trial product by utilizing various techniques.

We will meet the trends of the age and the needs of society in order to create a new lifestyle and culture oriented industry. As the technical center of the paper industry of Kochi Prefecture, we continue to look at the future of the industry and to find possibility of development while actively cooperating with enterprises and other research organizations.




1932  Tosa Paper Union’s paper making testing laboratory founded in 1908 transferred to a prefectural institution and became the “Manufacturing Testing Laboratory” of  Industry and Commerce Division.
1941  Paper Making Section became independent and founded Kochi Prefectural Paper Research Institute in 3-chome, Asahimachi, Kochi City.
1959  Completed construction of mechanical paper making testing equipment.
1967  Completed construction of main building. Technology Section divided into Paper Making and Processing Sections.
1982  Adopted a three section system:Machine-made Paper Section, Hand-made Paper Section and Processing Section.Testing and Research Laboratory #2 expanded.
1991  Kochi Prefecture planned a renovation scheme of Paper Research Institute.
1993  Started construction of new buildings.
1995  Changed its name to Kochi Prefectural Paper Technology Center and moved to Hakawa, Ino Town with fully equipped facilities.
2007  Changed the name of technical sections:Nonwovens and Conversion Section, Paper Making Section.
2015  Changed the name of technical sections:Planning and Coordination Section,Material Development Section,Processing Technology Section.
2020  Changed its name to Kochi Prefectural Paper Industry Technology Center.


高知県 商工労働部 紙産業技術センター

所在地: 〒781-2128 高知県吾川郡いの町波川287番地4
電話: 088-892-2220
ファックス: 088-892-2209
メール: infokami@ken2.pref.kochi.lg.jp